Tag Archives: ontario made

National Flag Etiquette Part II

Summer calls for opening the cottage, sitting on the dock and raising your flag. But how do you properly display the national flag? In Part I we highlighted national flag Do’s and Don’ts, but there’s still more to cover! The following National Flag of Canada etiquette has been adapted from the Government of Canada website. Configurations How […]

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How to Repair your Flagpole

Our flag poles work hard through rain and wind, sleet and snow, so sometimes after years of wear and tear the interlocking sleeve will need to be replaced. BUT, good news, an interlocking sleeve replacement is included in your limited lifetime warranty when you purchase a Titan Flagpole. Check out the video with repair instructions […]

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Lighting your Flag: Solar Style

Did you know according to flag etiquette, state flags should be only displayed from sunrise to sunset every day? But like most rules, there is an exception: you can keep your flag flying 24/7 if it is properly illuminated during all hours of darkness. We think the most ‘illuminating’ solution to light your state flag during the evening hours is solar […]

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