Farmers & Fall
We are looking forward to seeing a lot of farmers during the next few shows!
If you’re looking to have a custom flag designed for your farm or ag. business, send us an email, or talk to Bruce at one of the following shows and we will be glad to work out the details with you.
September 11th-13th we will be at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show in Woodstock – find us in 5th lane S.M.E. We love our past customers, and are offering special pricing for replacement flags; or bring a friend to buy their pole and they will receive special show pricing! The show is open 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily.
The International Plowing Match will be in close proximity, being hosted in Kitchener-Waterloo this year September 18th-22nd. Our booth location is 2B-08. As always, if you’re staying in the Tent City, Bruce will gladly deliver your pole purchase to your trailer location at the end of day. Show hours are 8:30 a.m. – 5p.m. daily
And the fall season just wouldn’t be complete without attending the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair at the Direct Energy Centre in Toronto November 2nd – 11th. There is always so much to see and do at “the Fair,” but please stop by and say “hi” at booth 5117 in Hall B. There are amazing shows, sales and exhibits and it’s also a great place to get unique Christmas gifts!
We look forward to a beautiful fall as the weather changes and the leaves create their astounding colour display!
Bruce & Gloria
Ontario Flag & Pole
email: [email protected]